Tuesday, May 15, 2007

China and Africa best friends forever


A address in concern of the African Development Bank in Shanghai,

Wen Jiabao

urges rich nations to help with debt relief, trade, and to provide the continent with general aid.

China has then suffered criticism that it is only interested in the continent for its value in raw materials,
But analysts say China shows growing support with the effort of holding the first ever annual ADB meeting in Asia.

"Africa needs to rely on itself to sustain development but international support and systems are also indispensable,"


"We call on the international community to deliver on aid pledges to Africa and reduce and cancel African debt."

Mr Wen told delegates the first part of the meeting on Wednesday.

"We are truly sincere in helping Africa speed up economic and social development for the benefit of the African people and its nations,"

China Receives nearing one third of there oil and other raw material resources from Africa.

They have helped feed the country's economic transformation with more than 700 Chinese companies that are active in Africa, and trade that has quadrupled in the past six years to a estimated $55 billion.

China has already written off $1.5 billion in debt towards Africa and says will do such similar action again.

For further reading here is a link to the BBC NEWS article.

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